Cobre of the Green Hells

King of the Green Hells   Cobre is of extremely mixed blood.  His mother was the River’s daughter.  All of his ancestors have been in some way magical spirits in fae or human flesh save his original human great great grandmother. He rides a dragon named Claymore, a young female iron dragon who is very…

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Voltan Kinslayer

Voltan is an Underdark Drow male.  He is known to wield both fire and ice magic, and be pretty good with a sword and cross bow.  He has a pet raven who talks like a deep voiced man and laughs a lot. He is well known for defending other dark elves and is somewhat fatherly…

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Sorcerer, necromancer and worldwalker.  Named the Volcano King by Dreistan, the future High King of Fallpyre. Somewhere between thirty-five and fifty, by his look. Guardian of Salomei.

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The Wizard’s Council

The Wizard’s Council Twelve wizards, each supposedly covering a different facet of magic are supposed to govern magic and breaks with reality.  Chaos storms, Acid Rains, Blackfire, Wyldefires are supposed to be handled by the Wizards. Tranquil – the eldest member of the council, generally considered to be a bit senile, and a terrible womanizer.…

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