Fountain Market area

A very pretty, well kept area that usually has a few buskers (Musicians or other performers hoping for coins) some push cart ventors of sausages on a bun, tastas (a form of candy made while you watch) and often a meeting place for the locals to discuss ongoing events.

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Cliffside Temple area

The temple of Light was the first temple to be built out here.  Now others are starting to pop up.  Out front of the Temple of Light is the statue of Helios – a tall golden man holding a out a welcoming golden flame.

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Hrothbert Gravelthorn

He’s about 6’5″ and heavy boned, looks much slower moving than he actually is.   An officer of the Tricksters, specializes in deducting somewhat alien ways of thinking.There are scandals connected with him – his mother was known to be mentally disturbed, his father abandoned them, his drunken addict brother died and some say that…

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The Ruins

Once a prosperous suburb of Kenotaphion, it was nearly destroyed and left in ruins by a lot of chaotic magic and some pissed off demons. Now it is once more prosperous but is more business/retail organized and a little less exclusive to the nobility of Kenotaphion.  

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The Wizard’s Council

The Wizard’s Council Twelve wizards, each supposedly covering a different facet of magic are supposed to govern magic and breaks with reality.  Chaos storms, Acid Rains, Blackfire, Wyldefires are supposed to be handled by the Wizards. Tranquil – the eldest member of the council, generally considered to be a bit senile, and a terrible womanizer.…

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Lese Majesty

A militant religious organization following the gods of Light, particularly Mithra, and thus tending towards males in power. Origins The Order of Lese Majesty’s knighthood has been around for well over a millenia and longer. For as long as their have been those who worship the Gods of Light, there have been those sworn to…

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